I would take down this article if I was the author. Most of your argument is based on a misquote that is so bad that it has got to be intentional.

Elaf never genders this joke, she never says "women" or anything similar, and she never says "blone and blue eyes".

And you didn't even bother to research what this show is about. A large part of the show is that the panel of 'immigrant' comedians make jokes about themselves, eachother and stereotypes around eachother.

Did Elaf go too far, yes. But nothing she did was illegal, and nothing she did deserves people like you lying to trying to smear her.

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This so called "Swedish journalist 's joke' is a complete disgrace! Shame on you, caricature of a woman, elaf ali , for your cowardness and disgusting filthy racial comments!

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